Source code for adnipy.adnipy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Process ADNI study data with adnipy."""

# Standard library imports
import warnings

# Third party imports
import pandas as pd

# TODO df = df.reindex(columns=columns)
# TODO def common_columns(left, right) --> list

[docs]def read_csv(file): """Return a csv file as a pandas.DataFrame. Recognizes missing values used in the ADNI database. Parameters ---------- file : str, pathlib.Path The path to the .csv file. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Returns the file as a dataframe. See also -------- standard_column_names standard_dates standard_index """ # empty values na_values = ["-1", "-4"] # prevents UserWarnings on large files like ADNIMERGE dtype = { "ABETA": object, "TAU": object, "TAU_bl": object, "PTAU": object, "PTAU_bl": object, } df = pd.read_csv(file, dtype=dtype, na_values=na_values) return df
[docs]def standard_column_names(dataframe): """Rename dataframe columns to module standard. This function helps when working with multiple dataframes, since the same data can have different names. It will also call `rid()` on the dataframe. Parameters ---------- dataframe : pd.DataFrame This dataframe will be modified. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame This will have standardized columns names. See also -------- rid Examples -------- >>> subjects = pd.DataFrame({"Subject": ["101_S_1001", "102_S_1002"]}) >>> subjects Subject 0 101_S_1001 1 102_S_1002 >>> standard_column_names(subjects) Subject ID RID 0 101_S_1001 1001 1 102_S_1002 1002 >>> images = pd.DataFrame({"Image": [100001, 100002]}) >>> images Image 0 100001 1 100002 >>> standard_column_names(images) Image ID 0 100001 1 100002 """ MAPPER = { # Collections "Image": "Image ID", "Image Data ID": "Image ID", "Subject": "Subject ID", "Acq Date": "SCANDATE", # ADNIMERGE "PTID": "Subject ID", # TAUMETA3 "ASSAYTIME": "TAUTIME", } dataframe = dataframe.rename(mapper=MAPPER, axis="columns") if "VISCODE2" in dataframe.columns: dataframe["VISCODE"] = dataframe["VISCODE2"] del dataframe["VISCODE2"] else: print('"VISCODE2" not included.') dataframe = rid(dataframe) return dataframe
[docs]def standard_dates(dataset): """Change type of date columns to datetime. Parameters ---------- dataset : pd.DataFrame This dataframe will be modified. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dates will have the appropriate dtype. """ DATES = [ # Collections "Acq Date", "Downloaded", # ADNIMERGE "EXAMDATE", "EXAMDATE_bl", "update_stamp", # DESIKANLAB "USERDATE", "update_stamp", # TAUMETA "USERDATE", "USERDATE2", "SCANDATE", "TAUTRANDT", "update_stamp", # TAUMETA3 "USERDATE", "USERDATE2", "SCANDATE", "TRANDATE", "update_stamp", ] for date in DATES: if date in dataset.columns: dataset.loc[:, date] = pd.to_datetime(dataset.loc[:, date]) return dataset
[docs]def standard_index(df, index=None): """Process dataframes into a standardized format. The output is easy to read. Applying functions the the output may not work as expected. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame This dataframe will be modified. index : list of str, default None These columns will be the new index. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame An easy to read dataframe for humans. """ if index is None: index = ["Subject ID", "Image ID", "RID", "Visit", "SCANDATE"] df = df.reset_index() df = df.set_index([column for column in index if column in df.columns]) if "index" in df.columns: df = df.drop(columns="index") df = df.dropna(axis="columns", how="all") df = df.sort_index() return df
[docs]def rid(collection): """Add a roster ID column. Will not work if 'RID' is already present or 'Subject ID' is missing. Parameters ---------- collection : pd.DataFrame This dataframe will be modified. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame Dataframe with a 'RID' column. Examples -------- >>> collection = pd.DataFrame({"Subject ID": ["100_S_1000", "101_S_1001"]}) >>> collection Subject ID 0 100_S_1000 1 101_S_1001 >>> rid(collection) Subject ID RID 0 100_S_1000 1000 1 101_S_1001 1001 """ missing_rid = "RID" not in collection.columns contains_subject_id = "Subject ID" in collection.columns if missing_rid and contains_subject_id: collection["RID"] = collection["Subject ID"].map( lambda subject_id: pd.to_numeric(subject_id[-4:]) ) return collection
[docs]def drop_dynamic(images): """Remove images which are dynamic. Drops all rows, in which the Description contains 'Dynamic'. Parameters ---------- images : pd.DataFrame This dataframe will be modified. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame All images that are not dynamic. """ no_dynamic = images[~images["Description"].str.contains("Dynamic")] return no_dynamic
[docs]def groups(collection, grouped_mci=True): """Create a dataframe for each group and save it to a csv file. Parameters ---------- collection : pd.DataFrame DataFrame has to have a Group column. grouped_mci : bool, default True If true, 'LMCI' and 'EMCI' are treated like 'MCI'. However, the original values will stills be in the output. Returns ------- dict Dictionnairy with a dataframe for each group. """ collection = collection.copy() # creates dataframe for each group group_names = collection["Group"].unique() groups = {} for group in group_names: group_df = collection[collection["Group"] == group] groups[group] = group_df # groups MCIs if grouped_mci is True: mci = collection[collection["Group"].isin(["MCI", "LMCI", "EMCI"])] if not mci.empty: groups["MCI"] = mci if "LMCI" in group_names: del groups["LMCI"] if "EMCI" in group_names: del groups["EMCI"] return groups
[docs]def longitudinal(images): """ Keep only longitudinal data. This requires an 'RID' or 'Subject ID' column in the dataframe. Do not use if multiple images are present for a single timepoint. Parameters ---------- images : pd.DataFrame This dataframe will be modified. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A dataframe with only longitudinal data. See also -------- drop_dynamic """ images = rid(images) longitudinal = images[images["RID"].duplicated(keep=False)] return longitudinal
[docs]def timepoints(df, second="first"): """Extract timepoints from a dataframe. Parameters ---------- df : pd.DataFrame This dataframe will be used as a base. second : {'first' or 'last'}, default 'first' 'last' to have the latest, 'first' to have the earliest values for timepoint 2. """ index = ["Subject ID", "Image ID"] df.reset_index(inplace=True) df.set_index(index, inplace=True) df.sort_index(inplace=True) if "index" in df.columns: df = df.drop(columns="index") if "Description" in df.columns: raise ValueError( "Make sure that 'Description' is not in columns " "and only one image per timepoint is in the pd.DataFrame." ) df_subjects = df.index.get_level_values(0) df_images = df.index.get_level_values(1) timepoints = {} if second == "first": total_timepoints = max(df_subjects.value_counts()) for i in range(total_timepoints): timepoint = i + 1 timepoint_df = df[~df_subjects.duplicated(keep="first")] timepoint_str = "Timepoint " + str(timepoint) timepoints[timepoint_str] = timepoint_df df = df[~df_images.isin(timepoint_df.index.get_level_values(1))] df_subjects = df.index.get_level_values(0) df_images = df.index.get_level_values(1) elif second == "last": timepoint_1 = df[~df_subjects.duplicated()] timepoints["Timepoint 1"] = timepoint_1 timepoint_1_images = timepoint_1.index.get_level_values(1) after_timepoint_1 = df[~df_images.isin(timepoint_1_images)] after_timepoint_1_images = after_timepoint_1.index.get_level_values(0) timepoint_2_last = after_timepoint_1[ ~after_timepoint_1_images.duplicated(keep="last") ] timepoints["Timepoint 2"] = timepoint_2_last return timepoints
[docs]def timedelta(old, new): """Get timedelta between timepoints. Parameters ---------- old : pd.DataFrame This is the older dataframe. new : pd.DataFrame This is the newer dataframe. Returns ------- pd.Series The content will be timedelta values. Look into numpy for more options. """ old = old.reset_index() old = old.set_index("Subject ID") new = new.reset_index() new = new.set_index("Subject ID") timedeltas = old["SCANDATE"] - new["SCANDATE"] return timedeltas
[docs]def get_matching_images(left, right): """Match different scan types based on closest date. The columns 'Subject ID' and 'SCANDATE' are required. Parameters ---------- left : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the tau scans. right : pd.DataFrame Dataframe containing the mri scans. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame For each timepoint there is a match from both inputs. """ left = left.set_index(["Subject ID", "SCANDATE"]) left = left.sort_index() right = right.set_index(["Subject ID", "SCANDATE"]) right = right.sort_index() missing_match = [] matching_images = [] right_subjects = right.index.get_level_values(0) def closest_date(subject): """Get closest date from list.""" unique_dates = subject.index.unique() closest_date = min( unique_dates, key=lambda x, index=index: abs(x - index[1]) ) return closest_date for index in left.index: if index[0] in right_subjects: subject = right.loc[index[0]] date = closest_date(subject) matching_image = right.loc[index[0], date] image = left.loc[[index]] image["Image ID_r"] = matching_image.values[0] matching_images.append(image) else: missing_match.append(index) matching_images_df = pd.concat(matching_images) matching_images_df = matching_images_df.rename( columns={"Image ID": "Image ID_l"} ) if missing_match: missing_match_str = str(set(missing_match)) message = "Could not find matching images for:" + missing_match_str warnings.warn(message) return matching_images_df